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Sonygegyldes tācn

Sonygegyld (on Iapanisce hātte ソニー株式会社 oþþe Sonī Kabushiki Gaisha), þe ēac hātte ānfealdlīce Sony, is Iapanisc manigrīcisc gemanggegyld þe hafaþ hēafodstōl on Conane on Minatwe on Tociowe Iapanes.[1] Sonygegyld is ān þāra hēafodwyrcenda spearcsearwa on folclīcum and cræftweorclīcum cēapstōwum.[2]

Sonygegyld is spearcsearulīc cēapunge tōdǣlness and fædergegyld þæs Sonyhēapes, þe dēþ bige þurh his six wyrcendra dǣla. For þissum is Sonygegyld ān þāra brādostena glīwgegylda þǣre worulde.

  1. "[1]
  2. Sonygygyldes stǣr (on Iapanisce)

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