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Nicaraguan Cyneƿīse
República de Nicaragua
Nicaraguan fāna
Nicaraguan rīces seolh
Þēodlic cwide: En Dios confiamos
(Englisc: "In Gode trēoƿaþ ƿe")
Ambihtlicu sprǣc Spēonisc
Steall Anfeald rīce under geceorrum foresittende
Heafodstol Managua
Mæste Burg Managua
Brego Daniel Ortega Foresittend
Bradnes 50,193 mīla2
Menniscu 2012 6,167,237
Mancynnes þiccnes hēr 114 ælc mīla2
Landesforþbæro 2017 $35.835 x 109
Feoh Córdoba
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC−06:00, America/Managua
Þēodlic antefn Salve a ti, Nicaragua
Sundorricehad 1 Mǣdmōnaþ 1823, of þæm Mexican rīce
31 Þrimilcemōnaþ 1838, of þæm Middelamerican Geþoftscipe
Wægnplatung NIC
Webbnamena tægl .ni
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +505

Nicaragua is Middelamerican mæst rīce būtan Mexico. He hæfþ landgemæro be Honduras benorþen and be Costarican besūþen. Se Caribisca Sǣ līþ on his ēasternum ecge and se Sericus Gārsecg be his ƿesternum rīme,

Managua, is þisses landes mæste ceaster and his hēafodstōl. Se landfolc sind gemang, mid siexe Þūsenda þūsena menn habbaþ eardfæstu Scrælingas, Europeƿeare, Affricane, and Asiaƿare. Hiere folcgereord is Spēonisc (se is Castillisc) ac Scrælingas þæs Moscitorīme habbaþ hiera aganspræc.

Spēne gehiersumoden þis land in þæm 16. gearhunde and nemneden hit 'Nicaragua'. Nicaragua ƿeard sundorrīce of Ispanie in 1821 and ƿeard in þære ilcan ylde Mexican underrīce. Æfter Middelamerican underrīcu abrācon of Mexican sceappen hie þone Middelamerican Geþoftscipe and in 1838 besundrode sƿylce rīce. Noðȳlǣs, Nicaraguan fāna and his rīcestæcn habbaþ frūma of Middelamerican fānan and rīcestæcne.

Siððan his sundorrīcehād hæfþ Nicaragua geþoled micel unfriþ, tictatorscipe and fiscal crisis.

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