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Ƿeald in Asanteland
Ghana Fāna
Þēodlic cwide: Freedom and Justice
(Englisc: "Freols and Riht")
Folces gereord Nīƿu Englisc
Elles gereordas Mandigo, Fula
Ƿolof, Serer
Heafodstol Accra
Brego Nana Akufo-Addo Foresittend
Bradnes 92,099 mīla in feoƿerscytum
Menniscu 27,043,093
Feoh cedi
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC±00:00, Africa/Accra in winter
Eallic tid +1 in sumor
Þēodlic antefn God Bless Our Homeland Ghana
Sundorricehad 6 Hrēþmōnaþ 1957 of Bretƿarum
Wægnplatung GH
Webbnamena tægl .gm
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +233

Ghana is land on ƿesternum Affrican. He līþ be sǣrīman on þæm Guinea Byhte se is Ƿestsǣs earm, and he hæfþ be him se Elpendbānrīman beƿesten, Togoland beēasten him and Burkina Faso benorþenhim.

Ǣr hātt þis land 'Se Gyldna Rīm' þan ƿæs hit Brittiscu landbūnes. Þan ƿeard se Gyldna Rīm sundorrīce nām he þone naman 'Ghana' se mænþ "Beorncyning" in þæm Soninke gereord,[1] forþæm þe in geardagum ƿæs cynedōm be sƿylcum naman in Ƿestaffrice þærof brōhtedon Arabƿarum micel gold.

Þæs rīces hēafodstōl is Accra.

Ghana is dǣl þære Þēodacyneƿīse and man spricð Nīƿenglisc sprǣc and manigfealdu Affriciscu gereord.

  1. Jackson, John G. (2001) Introduction to African Civilizations, Citadel Press, p. 201, ISBN 0-8065-2189-9.

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