Tra le sollecitudini

Tra le sollecitudini
Italian for 'Among the concerns'
Motu proprio of Pope Pope Pius X
Coat of arms of Pope Pope Pius X
Signature date 22 November 1903
SubjectLiturgical music
Original language Italian
ASS36: 329-339 (Italian official version)
36: 387-395 (Latin translation)
← Peculiaria quaedam
Romani pontificibus →

Tra le sollecitudini (Italian for "among the concerns") was a motu proprio issued 22 November 1903 by Pope Pius X that detailed regulations for the performance of music in the Roman Catholic Church. The title is taken from the opening phrase of the document (which was written and officially published in Italian). It begins: "Among the concerns of the pastoral office, ... a leading one is without question that of maintaining and promoting the decorum of the House of God in which the august mysteries of religion are celebrated...."[1] The regulations pointed toward more traditional music and critiqued the turn toward modern, orchestral productions at Mass.

  1. ^ Tra le sollecitudini dell’officio pastorale, ... senza dubbio è precipua quella di mantenere e promuovere il decoro della Casa di Dio, dove gli augusti misteri della religione si celebrano....

Tra le sollecitudini - Ogłoszenia lokalne