Sexuality in Star Trek

Sexuality has been a significant theme in the various Star Trek television and motion-picture series. Sexual relationships in Star Trek have mostly been depicted as heteronormative in nature. There have been depictions of bisexual relationships, but always with a twist (e.g. using versions of characters from a mirror universe instead of the "real" ones; female Trill Dax and Kahn in "Rejoined" have been a heterosexual couple in their former lives).[1] In Star Trek Discovery, there are two same-sex marriages, while in Star Trek Enterprise a polyamorous character, Phlox, has three wives, who have three husbands each, the marriages being depicted as open to romantic and sexual relationships with others.

Inter-species and inter-ethnic relationships have been commonly depicted. A comparatively broader range of views has been shown concerning monogamy, polygamy, and the institution of marriage. In as much as sexuality can lead to reproduction, some plots have revolved around the possibility of children in a given inter-species relationship, as well as the prejudice that the resulting children have to endure from their parents' societies. The representations reflect contemporaneous attitudes to sexuality in American culture, first during the sixties and then in the later decades of the twentieth century.

  1. ^ Kay, Jonathan (June 30, 2001). "Gay 'Trek'". Salon.

Sexuality in Star Trek - Ogłoszenia lokalne