Mil plain

Mil plain is a plain in Azerbaijan. It is located on the bank of the Aras river and extends to Iran.[1] Mil-plain is located in the southwest part of the Kur-Araz lowland, where the Kura and Araz rivers meet. The area is between the right bank of the Kura River and the left bank of the Araz River. The north-eastern part of the plain is lower than the ocean level. In the south-west, these areas are covered by sand, gravel. More than 40 percent of the altitude in the plain is 0–100 meters, 25 percent - 100–200 meters above sea level, and 35 percent - absolute altitude is less than 0 meters. The absolute altitude decreases about 8 m to north (to the Kura River) and varies from 200 to 250 to the west (harami plain). The plain includes mainly the areas of Imishli and Beylagan districts. Seismic activity is high as the plain is in the convergent border the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt.[2]

  1. ^ The Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Spain
  2. ^ "Mil düzü landşaftlarının mühafizəsi".

Mil plain - Ogłoszenia lokalne