Lo Nivcharot, Lo Bocharot

Lo Nivcharot, Lo Bocharot (Hebrew: לא נבחרות, לא בוחרות, lit., Not elected, won't vote) is a Haredi feminist movement in Israel. The movement is also known as LoNiLoBo or Nivcharot (Hebrew: feminine form of "elected").

The movement started as a Facebook page launched by Esty Shushan in October 2012,[1] to protest the exclusion of Haredi women from Haredi political parties and from the Haredi public sphere in general.[2] The Facebook page called upon Haredi women and men to refrain from voting to parties that exclude women, i. e., Shas and United Torah Judaism.

The protest was extensively covered by various media outlets, but was received with intense criticism by mainstream Haredi public figures.

Lo Nivcharot, Lo Bocharot

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