Functional (mathematics)

The arc length functional has as its domain the vector space of rectifiable curves – a subspace of – and outputs a real scalar. This is an example of a non-linear functional.
The Riemann integral is a linear functional on the vector space of functions defined on [a, b] that are Riemann-integrable from a to b.

In mathematics, a functional is a certain type of function. The exact definition of the term varies depending on the subfield (and sometimes even the author).

This article is mainly concerned with the second concept, which arose in the early 18th century as part of the calculus of variations. The first concept, which is more modern and abstract, is discussed in detail in a separate article, under the name linear form. The third concept is detailed in the computer science article on higher-order functions.

In the case where the space is a space of functions, the functional is a "function of a function",[6] and some older authors actually define the term "functional" to mean "function of a function". However, the fact that is a space of functions is not mathematically essential, so this older definition is no longer prevalent.[citation needed]

The term originates from the calculus of variations, where one searches for a function that minimizes (or maximizes) a given functional. A particularly important application in physics is search for a state of a system that minimizes (or maximizes) the action, or in other words the time integral of the Lagrangian.

  1. ^ Lang 2002, p. 142 "Let E be a free module over a commutative ring A. We view A as a free module of rank 1 over itself. By the dual module E of E we shall mean the module Hom(E, A). Its elements will be called functionals. Thus a functional on E is an A-linear map f : EA."
  2. ^ Kolmogorov & Fomin 1957, p. 77 "A numerical function f(x) defined on a normed linear space R will be called a functional. A functional f(x) is said to be linear if fx + βy) = αf(x) + βf(y) where x, yR and α, β are arbitrary numbers."
  3. ^ a b Wilansky 2008, p. 7.
  4. ^ Axler (2014) p. 101, §3.92
  5. ^ Khelemskii, A.Ya. (2001) [1994], "Linear functional", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press
  6. ^ Kolmogorov & Fomin 1957, pp. 62-63 "A real function on a space R is a mapping of R into the space R1 (the real line). Thus, for example, a mapping of Rn into R1 is an ordinary real-valued function of n variables. In the case where the space R itself consists of functions, the functions of the elements of R are usually called functionals."

Functional (mathematics) - Ogłoszenia lokalne