Ethnic groups in Russia

Russia, as the largest country in the world, has great ethnic diversity, is a multinational state, and is home to over 190 ethnic groups nationwide. According to the population census at the end of 2021, more than 147.1 million people lived in Russia, which is 4.3 million more than in the 2010 census, or 3.03%. At the same time, only 130.587 million census participants indicated their nationality. The top ten largest nations besides Russians included in descending order: Tatars, Chechens, Bashkirs, Chuvash, Avars, Armenians, Ukrainians, Dargins and Kazakhs. Population censuses in Russia allow citizens to report their nationality according not only to their ancestry, but also to self-identification.[1] The 83 (or 85) federal subjects which together constitute the Russian Federation include:

  1. ^ "Результаты переписи населения 2021: буряты убывают, якуты возрастают". Золотая Орда — интернет-журнал (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-01-27.

Ethnic groups in Russia - Ogłoszenia lokalne