Esoteric Neo-Nazism

"The Black Sun" emblem, representing the celestial homeland of the Hyperboreans and the invisible source of their energy

Esoteric Neo-Nazism, also known as Esoteric Nazism, Esoteric Fascism or Esoteric Hitlerism, represents a fusion of Nazi ideology with mystical, occult, and esoteric traditions. This belief system emerged in the aftermath of World War II, as adherents sought to reinterpret and adapt the ideas of the Third Reich within the context of a new religious movement. Esoteric Nazism is characterized by its emphasis on the mythical and spiritual dimensions of Aryan supremacy, drawing from a range of sources including Theosophy, Ariosophy, and Gnostic dualism. These beliefs have evolved into a complex and often contradictory body of thought that seeks to justify and perpetuate racist and supremacist ideologies under the guise of spiritual enlightenment.

The roots of Esoteric Nazism can be traced back to early 20th-century occult movements and figures who sought to combine racial theories with mysticism. Key figures such as Guido von List and Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels played significant roles in this development, with their ideas laying the groundwork for what would later become the esoteric underpinnings of Nazi ideology. These early esotericists promoted the idea of an ancient Aryan race, endowed with divine qualities, which they believed was destined to rule over other races. This notion of Aryan supremacy was further developed by the Thule Society, an occult group that heavily influenced the early Nazi movement, blending nationalism with mystical beliefs in a mythical Aryan homeland known as Hyperborea.

After the fall of the Third Reich, Esoteric Nazism evolved and adapted to new contexts, with figures such as Savitri Devi and Miguel Serrano emerging as prominent proponents of what is now referred to as Esoteric Hitlerism. These post-war esotericists expanded on the idea of Hitler as a messianic figure, often deifying him as an avatar of divine forces. Savitri Devi, for example, integrated Nazi ideology with Hinduism, portraying Hitler as the ninth avatar of Vishnu and aligning Aryan supremacy with Hindu concepts of cosmic order.[1] Similarly, Miguel Serrano introduced extraterrestrial elements into Esoteric Hitlerism, claiming that the Aryan race had divine origins linked to a race of god-like beings from Hyperborea.

Esoteric Nazism has continued to influence various neo-Nazi and far-right groups in the post-war era, often merging with other esoteric and occult traditions. The concept of a "Collective Aryan Unconscious", inspired by Carl Jung's theories, and the symbol of the Black Sun, representing hidden esoteric power, are central to these beliefs. These ideas have been perpetuated through various means, including literature, music, and digital media, contributing to the persistence of Esoteric Nazism in contemporary culture. Despite its fringe status, Esoteric Nazism remains a potent force within certain extremist circles, offering a mystical justification for racial and ideological supremacy.

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