
Boldas be Cardiffes hȳðe

Cardiff is hēafodburg þā liġeþ on Ƿēala sūþmestum dǣle. He is Glamorganes hēafordburg and forþǣm ðe he is sēo mǣste burg on Wēalum secgþ man þe Cardiff is hēafodburg of eallum Wēalla land.

Eald is þēos burg. Willelm I Engla Cyning timbrode castel hēr and in þǣre castle heald in carcerne Heanrig I Cyning, se wæs Willelmes iengsta sunu, Rodbeart of Normandige his agnum brōdor.

Sēo ceaster sēo man mōt sēo todæg wæs getimbrod be Iohannes Crichton-Stuart, 2. Mearcgerēfa of Būt. He timbrode nīwu hȳð be Cardiffbyhte þe Coper of his oran be ætbæron on scipum.

Sċield Cardiffes
Cardiffes stōwe on Wēalas.

Cardiff - Ogłoszenia lokalne