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History of Tibet

While the Tibetan plateau has been inhabited since pre-historic times, most of Tibet's history went unrecorded until the creation of Tibetan script in the 7th century. Tibetan texts refer to the kingdom of Zhangzhung (c. 500 BCE – 625 CE) as the precursor of later Tibetan kingdoms and the originators of the Bon religion. While mythical accounts of early rulers of the Yarlung Dynasty exist, historical accounts begin with the introduction of Tibetan script from the unified Tibetan Empire in the 7th century. Following the dissolution of the empire and a period of fragmentation in the 9th-10th centuries, a Buddhist revival in the 10th–12th centuries saw the development of three of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism.

After a period of control by the Mongol Empire and Yuan dynasty, Tibet became effectively independent in the 14th century and was ruled by a succession of noble houses for the next 300 years. In the 16th century, the Dalai Lama title was created by Altan Khan, and as requested by the family of Altan Khan, seal of authority was granted to the Dalai Lama by the Wanli Emperor.[1] In the 17th century, the senior lama of the Gelug school, the Dalai Lama, became the head of state with the aid of the Khoshut Khanate. Seal of authority and golden sheets were granted by the Shunzhi Emperor to both the Dalai Lama and the founder Güshi Khan of Khoshut Khanate in 1653. [2] [3][4] In 1717, the Dzungar Khanate invaded Lhasa, killed Lha-bzang Khan of the Khoshut Khanate, Khoshut Khanate was destroyed. The Qing dynasty then sent military troops in the same year to fight with the Dzungars, but failed at this time.[5] In 1720, the Qing dynasty sent troops for the second time and drove away the Dzungar army.[6] It remained a Qing territory until the fall of the dynasty. In 1959, the 14th Dalai Lama went into exile in India in response to hostilities with the People's Republic of China (PRC). The PRC annexation and flight of the Dalai Lama created several waves of Tibetan refugees and led to the creation of Tibetan diasporas in India, the United States, and Europe.

The Tibet Autonomous Region was established following the PRC annexation, although Tibetan independence and human rights emerged as international issues, gaining significant visibility alongside the 14th Dalai Lama in the 1980s and 1990s. Chinese authorities have sought to assert control over Tibet and has been accused of the destruction of religious sites and banning possession of pictures of the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan religious practices. During the crises created by the Great Leap Forward, Tibet was subjected to mass starvation due to the appropriation of Tibetan crops and foodstuffs by the PRC government. The PRC disputes these claims and points to their investments in Tibetan infrastructure, education, and industrialization as evidence that they have replaced a theocratic feudal government with a modern state.

  1. ^ 《明实录》又载:"万历十五年(1587)十月丁卯......番僧答赖(即达赖)准升'朵儿只唱名号,仍给敕命、图书......" The Ming Shilu records: "In the 15th year of Wanli (1587), in October Dingmao...the monk Dalai was allowed to be promoted to the rank of Dorer, and given imperial edicts, books...
  2. ^ 柴达木文史丛书.第4辑.固始汗及其子孙. Beijing Book Co. December 2016. ISBN 978-7-999065-90-6. 皇上勝過締造萬物之如意寶,布仁慈於四海之濱;揚善抑惡,以足眾生之望。蒙天恩賞賜金冊、金印,封為遵行文義慧敏顧實汗,謹望闥跪接祗領,叩謝天恩。The Emperor is better than the wish-fulfilling treasure that created all things, spreading kindness to the shores of the four seas; promoting good and suppressing evil to satisfy the hopes of all living beings. I was rewarded with a gold book and a gold seal by Heaven's grace, and was named Obey Wenyi Huimin Gu Shihan. I sincerely hope that I will kneel down to accept the leader and kowtow to thank Heaven's grace.
  3. ^ 陈庆英 (2005). 达赖喇嘛转世及历史定制英. 五洲传播出版社. pp. 41–. ISBN 978-7-5085-0745-3.
  4. ^ Karmay 2014, p. 309.
  5. ^ https://www.sohu.com/a/335359149_457251 1718年正月初二,清军驻守青海的侍卫阿齐图在柴达木带队巡逻时,遇到了侥幸从拉萨逃出的拉藏汗次子苏尔扎的妻子一行,确认了拉藏汗兵败被杀、西藏已落入准噶尔手中的结局。事态的严重,迫使清朝方面仓促地做出了武力解决西藏问题的决策。1718年三月,康熙皇帝命色楞与额伦特等“统率军兵征剿西藏”。 On the second day of the first lunar month in 1718, Aqi Tu, a Qing guard stationed in Qinghai, met the wife of Surza, the second son of Lazang Khan, who had escaped from Lhasa, while leading a patrol in Qaidam. He confirmed that Lazang Khan had been defeated and killed, and Tibet had fallen into the hands of the Dzungars. The seriousness of the situation forced the Qing dynasty to hastily make a decision to resolve the Tibetan issue by force. In March 1718, Emperor Kangxi ordered Seleng and Elunte to "lead the army to conquer Tibet."
  6. ^ https://www.163.com/dy/article/HHINUQN00553GONE.html 1717年准噶尔汗国攻入拉萨,杀拉藏汗,和硕特汗国灭亡。1720年清朝第二次出兵,赶走准噶尔军。不久,清朝快速平定罗卜藏丹津之乱,在青海建立直接管理体系。 In 1717, the Dzungar Khanate invaded Lhasa, killed Lha-bzang Khan, and the Khoshut Khanate was destroyed. In 1720, the Qing dynasty sent troops for the second time and drove away the Dzungar army. Soon, the Qing dynasty quickly put down the rebellion of Lobsang Danjin and established a direct management system in Qinghai.

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