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Days of Military Honour

A Russian Military Honour Parade on Red Square in November 2018

The Days of Military Honour (Russian: Дни воинской славы, dni voinskoy slavy) are special memorable dates in the Russian Armed Forces dedicated to the most outstanding victories won by Russia. Some of these dates are state holidays but the majority of them are celebrated purely in the armed forces, while 7 November is marked by parades in Moscow and Samara.

The Days of Military Honour include:

  1. ^ 7 November was a major holiday in the Soviet Union commemorating the October Revolution. In 1941, the troops that took part in the annual parade were sent from the Red Square directly to the front line which was situated less than a hundred kilometers from Moscow.
  2. ^ "Day of military glory of Russia - The day of the military parade on Red Square in 1941". calendr.net. Archived from the original on 2018-01-25.

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