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Niwgefundenland and Labrador

Seo Hymber Ea on Niwgefundenlande
Niwgefundenlandes and Labradores stowe
Nīwgefundenlandes fāna
Nīwgefundenlandes fāna

Niwgefundenland and Labrador is underrice on Canadan easternmestan dæle. Ðis land hæfð tƿegen dālas, þā sind Nīƿgefundenland þæt is micel īegland, and benorþen him is Labrador se is īsig land andlang Norðamerican ƿesternum sǣrīme. Þis heall underrrīce is on þǣm Ƿestsǣs ƿesternum rīme and is American ēasternmeste land.

Nīƿgefundenland ƿæs Engla forma landbūnes in American and eftsōn cnyttede man Labrador ðærmid. Nīƿgefundenland ƿeard rīce þæs Bryttiscan Rīces and ƿæs alīesed fram þære Bretta earde ƿeald in 1930 sƿa sƿa ƿæs Canada. Hit ƿeard underrīce onmang Canadan in 1949 be naman 'Nīƿgefundenland' and his nama ƿeard 'Nīƿgefundenland and Labrador' in 2001.

Nīƿgefundenlandes hēafodstōl is Halgan Iohannes se is ēac his mæste burg.

Underrice and landscipas Canadan
Underrīce Alberta • Bryttisc Columbia • Eadweardes Æþelinges Iegland • Manitoba • Niw Brunswic • Niwe Scotland • Niwgefundenland and Labrador • Ontario • Quebec • Sascatcewan
Landscipas Geocon • Norþwest Landscipas • Nunavut

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