
Tunneldiode symbol.
Tunneldiode 1N3716[1] af fabrikanten General Electric – og en jumper (sort).
8–12 GHz forstærker baseret på en tunneldiode og en cirkulator. Forstærkeren er fra circa 1970.

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En tunneldiode eller Esaki-diode er en diode som på en lille del af sin overføringsfunktion har en negativ differentiel modstand. Leo Esaki opdagede diodetypen i 1957, heraf navnet Esaki-diode. [2]

Strøm- Spændingskarakteristik for en tunneldiode. Den grønne grafstrækning er der hvor tunneldioden udviser negativ differentiel modstand.

Forspændes en tunneldiode til at arbejde, hvor den har negativ modstandskarakteristik, vil den f.eks. kunne ophæve en svingningskreds tabsmodstand og derved forstærke, så resultatet er en tunneldiode oscillator[3][4], en superregenerative modtager - eller tunneldiode forstærker.[5][6]

  1. ^ rf-microwave.com: Datablad 1N3716
  2. ^ jspsusa.org: The Global Reach of Japanese Science Speaker: Leo Esaki Citat: "...This environment stimulated me, encouraged me, and eventually lead me to my thesis work of the Esaki Tunnel Diode in 1957...the root of this development was the tunnel diode, which I made in 1957..."
  3. ^ clarku.edu: Tunnel Diode Oscillator Essentials. Chuck Agosta - Clark University Citat: "...The tunnel diode oscillator (TDO) is a highly stable self resonating oscillator system that we use to measure rf penetration depth in conducting, superconducting, and magnetic materials...", backup
  4. ^ 1999, arxiv.org: Radio-frequency impedance measurements using a tunnel-diode oscillator (TDO)technique, backup
  5. ^ C. T. Munsterman. Tunnel-Diode Microwave Amplifiers, backup
  6. ^ Aertech Industries, Brooke Clarke: Tunnel Diode Amplifiers Citat: "...The TD amplifier combines a TD operating in the negative resistance region with a matching circuit and a circulator to separate the incident and reflected waves. Since the isolation of a single junction circulator is around 20 dB the gain of each stage needs to be less than that to prevent oscillations...", backup


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