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—  Rīcehēafodburg  —
Indiȝabyrg on Indiǣna.

Land  Geānedu Rīcu America Geānedu Rīcu America
Gestaðelod 1821
Brego Joe Hogsett
• gerim

953.180736 km², 953.180289 km²
Hiehþu 218 m
• buend

887,642 buenda
Tidgyrdel UTC−04:00, UTC−05:00
Sprecungrim 317, 486
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Indigabyrg (Niwenglisc: Indinapolis /ˌɪndiəˈnæpəls/,[1]) gewuneliclice genemned Indig, is sēo heafodburg ond mǣstfolklor byrig þǣs U.S. rīces Indiǣna. Hēo is ēac sǣt þǣre Mǣrscīre ond is ġetæht mid þǣre scīre swā swā dǣl þæs Unigov. Sēo U.S. Gēocendǣlþend Bodere sǣde þæt þǣre byrig Indie samod mid Mǣrscīre wæs 977,203 on 2020.[2] Sēo 'gesettung' folc wæs 887,642.[3] Þis gemet leofaþ ūt sume burgas þe sīaþ swīþe selfrǣdlice fram þǣm Unigov. Hēo is sēo 16þa mǣste byrig be folcum on þǣm U.S., sēo þridda mǣst be folcum on þǣre Mīddangeard æfter Cīcago ond Columbus, Oha, ond sēo feorþmǣst be folcum ġebyrede stōwe æfter Phōnix, Arizonia, Āustine, Tēaxas, ond Columbus. Sēo bodere cīþaġild is sēo 33þa mǣstfolcġeond burhbeorh on þǣm U.S., mid 2,111,040 ġeondǣlǣþsumra.[4] Hir gemǣnsuman beorgcīþa seġel is sēo 28þa, mid anre folcescēare of 2,431,361.[5] Indieabyrg hæfþ 368 mīla oferflōra (950 km2). Þæt gedēþ hīe þā 18þan lǣstan byrig be landare on þǣm U.S.

Iundēmǣgþēode lifodon on þǣre stōwe swā swā 10,000 ǷC.[6] On 1818, sēo Lenāpe sealde heora land þǣre U.S. on þǣm Trēatie of Sancte Mǣrē. On 1821, Indieabyrg wæs gedōn swā geƿeorðad byrig tō bēon sēo nīewe hēafodstōw Indiǣna. Sēo ealde hēafodstōw wæs Corigdūn. Sēo byrig wæs gemǣreþ be Alexander Ralston ond Elias Pym Fordham on ǣne 1-geƿið-mīle (2.6 km2) rēad ymb þǣm Hwītan ēa. Sēo ǣfteġang tō þǣm Gēol ond Michigan strǣtum ond sēo anginn þǣre rādhrēowan weoldon þā byrig tō ān þēawendlicum fērendbōtum. Tƿā þāra līgoƿurda for Indieabyrg (sēo 'Crūceƿeg ġeƿearde middangeardes' ond 'Rādhrēowaburh') gelīcað þāre byrig's stōwe mid rādhrēowunge.[7] On 1970, Indieabyrg ond Mǣrscīr wǣron ġetæhte. Þis mēting is gecīged Unigov. Sēo byrig is ġeleadod be ānre 25-ġeƿealdan byrigscīre rēd be þām mǣran.

Indieabyrg hæfþ þā þritigþan hēaƿestan ceorlǣnsīþ in þǣm U.S. Hēo is grundod of Þēawum, Trēowdōme, hēafodþēowdōme, byrigsēawum, lāre, hǣle, rīce, hlīþe, ond ƿyrhtum. Sēo byrig hæfð micel lǣwes dǣl lāra þēowa ond hræding mǣrcas. Sēo byrig is hām tō þrīum Fǣrƿīnƿundrum 500 byrigum, tō twām micelgēard Ƿerigabōl sīþum, þām Indieabyrg Cealfas þǣs Ēnglisces Folcƿīgen, ond þām Indiana Ārƿa þǣs Ēnglisces Gǣrsocnes, fīfum æcerƿīcum cempum, ond manigum Ƿiġelum. Indieabyrg hæfþ þā ōƿorlǣstan ceorlǣnspēƿe Ƿiġelcildra.[8]

  1. Jones, Daniel (2003). in Peter Roach: English Pronouncing Dictionary. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 3-12-539683-2. 
  2. QuickFacts: Marion County, Indiana. United States Census Bureau.
  3. QuickFacts: Indianapolis city (balance), Indiana. United States Census Bureau.
  4. Cumulative Estimates of Resident Population Change and Rankings: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2018 – United States – Metropolitan Statistical Area; and for Puerto Rico 2018 Population Estimates. U.S. Census Bureau (July 2019).
  5. U.S. Census website. U.S. Census Bureau (July 2019).
  6. Early Peoples of Indiana. Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology (2016). Writen fram the original on July 25, 2020. Begieten on January 13, 2024.
  7. Capital at the Crossroads of America–Indianapolis: A Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary. National Park Service (U.S. Dept. of the Interior).
  8. Clark, Andrew (May 21, 2018). "Fortune 500 list: Indiana RV manufacturer makes it for the first time". The Indianapolis Star. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2018/05/21/fortune-500-list-indiana-companies-anthem-eli-lilly-cummins-simon-thor/628546002/. 

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