

Hƿerhƿettan (ēac hātaþ eorþæpplas) sind gecynd cyrfetas, þǣre cnēorise Cucurbitaceae. Hēo is crēopend ƿīntrēoƿ þe hafaþ fæsnesse on grunde and climbeþ on sumum aƿreðiendum timbre, forþsendende nearƿe, þrāƿende ƿīngeardbōgas ymb ƿīras. Sēo plante hafaþ grēat lēaf þā sind tō hrōfe ofer þām ofetum.

Hēo is nēan seonuƿealt, langlīc mid nearƿum endum. Hēo cann sƿā lang sƿā 60 hundtēontigoðena meters lang ƿesan, and sƿā brād sƿā 10 hundtēontigoðena meteres brād. Hēo is gerǣred tō etenne sƿā fersc oþþe gehealden on brȳnan. Gif hēo full rīpe ƿeorðe, is hēo oftost oferlīce biter and sūr tō etenne. Hēo is oftost mā þonne 90 hundtēontigoðena dǣla ƿæteres.

For þȳ hēo hafaþ betȳndu sǣd and cymþ fram blōtsman, is hēo on ƿyrtcræfte ofet gesmēad. Ac sƿā sƿā ƿulfpersocas is hēo on fōdan macunge oftost ƿyrte gesmēad.


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