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Barytocalcite from England
CategoryCarbonate mineral
(repeating unit)
IMA symbolBcal[1]
Strunz classification5.AB.45
Dana classification14.02.06.01
Crystal systemMonoclinic
Crystal classPrismatic (2/m)
(same H-M symbol)
Space groupP21/m
Unit cella = 8.1 Å, b = 5.2 Å,
c = 6.5 Å, β = 106°; Z = 2
Formula mass297.42 g/mol[2]
ColourColourless, white, greyish, greenish, yellowish
Crystal habitPrismatic, drusy, massive – granular
CleavagePerfect in at least two directions[2][3]
Mohs scale hardness4
LusterVitreous to resinous
DiaphaneityTranslucent to transparent
Specific gravity3.64 to 3.71
Optical propertiesBiaxial (−)
Refractive indexnα = 1.525, nβ = 1.684, nγ = 1.686
Birefringenceδ = 0.161[4]
2V angleMeasured: 15°, calculated: 10°
DispersionRelatively weak, r>v
Ultraviolet fluorescenceFluorescent dull yellow under LW and SW UV[4]
SolubilitySoluble in dilute HCl[4]

Barytocalcite is an anhydrous barium calcium carbonate mineral with the chemical formula BaCa(CO3)2. It is trimorphous with alstonite and paralstonite, that is to say the three minerals have the same formula but different structures.[3] Baryte and quartz pseudomorphs after barytocalcite have been observed.[4]

Barytocalcite crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system, typically as massive to druzy accumulations of transparent white to yellow to grey aggregates of slender prismatic crystals. It has a Mohs hardness of 4 and a specific gravity of 3.64 to 3.71.[4]

It was first described in 1824 for an occurrence in the Blagill Mine in North Pennines, Cumbria (Cumberland), England, and named for its composition.

  1. ^ Warr, L.N. (2021). "IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols". Mineralogical Magazine. 85 (3): 291–320. Bibcode:2021MinM...85..291W. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43. S2CID 235729616.
  2. ^ a b c Barytocalcite on Webmineral data Accessed July 2012
  3. ^ a b c Gaines et al (1997) Dana’s New Mineralogy Eighth Edition. Wiley
  4. ^ a b c d e f Barytocalcite on Mindat.org Accessed July 2012
  5. ^ Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards (1971) 75A-3, 197 to 203

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